VirtualHere USB seems to rely on some inline Base64 encoded data to mark the software as unlicensed when running the program in trial mode. In case the Base64 data is modified, then VirtualHere USB will announce that the license is invalid. This behaviour can be observed in sub_422c90 in the decompiled source:

The code calls the soubroutine sub_405340 with function parameters: License, unlicensed,1,MCACDkn0jww6R5WOIjFqU/apAg4Um+mDkU2TBcC7fA1FrA and 1. In case the second parameter (unlicensed,1,MCACDkn0jww6R5WOIjFqU/apAg4Um+mDkU2TBcC7fA1FrA) passed to sub_405340 is tampered with, then VirtualHere USB will display on startup:

Virtualhere Keygen Posted: admin On The VirtualHere USB Server will turn your Android Phone/Tablet/TV/PC/Shield/Embedded device into a USB Server. ROOT IS NOT REQUIRED, no ads, and it is written as a C native complied binary (not java) for increased performance. Virtualhere Keygen. When you want to use USB devices in a virtual machine you don't want to connect them to your physical ESXi-host and then from there pass through to a virtual machine. By doing this you pin the virtual machine to the host. For example with a failover the virtual machine would boot on another host. Virtualhere Keygen Emule Download Free Mac Autodesk Mac Download Www Arduino Cc Download For Mac Mail For Mac Not Working Adobe Photoshop Cc 2015 For Mac Free Full Version Google Chrome Free Download For Mac Os X 10.8 5 Avast Security Review Mac Apple Os Download Sp Column 4.81 Crack Thermo King Lrt Manual.


The latter behaviour can be traced to subroutine sub_420150 of the decompiled code that performs various licensing checks resulting (most likely, if unfavourable) to a jump into the segment:

that is responsible for marking the license as invalid and hence enforcing all trial limitations. However, if the code segment starting at 0x420338, then VirtualHere USB has no way to determine whether the license is invalid or not. Following the latter reasoning, a jump is injected at the very start of the code segment 0x420338 and up to 0x42039b, after the code segment.

Now VirtualHere USB cannot set itself as using an invalid license however, the code is not reached unless the license is indeed invalid such that the unlicensed hash unlicensed,1,MCACDkn0jww6R5WOIjFqU/apAg4Um+mDkU2TBcC7fA1FrA has to be destroyed to trigger the now modified invalid license code. To do so, the string is contained within the program starting with address 0x5dd1f8:

and it is sufficient to just modify a single byte to trigger the invalid license code.

When running VirtualHere USB, the program will now display:

which is not vary pretty and just begs for a vanity fix.

This is a high level guide to bypass the unlicensed limitations of virtualhere_usb for osx.

For Windows version see:

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for educational purposes only.

Virtualhere keygen windows 10

When using invalid license key Virtualhere will print “Invalid License” string. Debugging the executable yields a single reference to it in the code:

This code will be executed when the License is invalid (as opposed to no license at all). As such the config.ini has to have a License tag defined for the above code to be executed, i.e.

Virtualhere Keygen Activation


Invalid license will result in Virtualhere not allowing to bind any USB devices whatsoever. Note that this is different to ‘unlicensed’ version (when no license is specified in config.ini) which allows us to use a single USB device. In fact, if no license is defined Virtualhere will use a hardcoded version for 1 device. This license is stored (hardcoded) in the executable.

Now, my next step was to stop the ‘Invalid License’ code from executing in the attempt to allow a single USB device. Consecutively I was hopping to modify the code further to allow multiple USB devices (it turned out this was not necessary anymore).

How to stop executing the ‘Invalid License’ code?
A very common way of doing is, is to invoke a ‘jmp’ and jump into the unlicensed code @ 0x1003aac3:

Note that the unlicensed code call 0x1003ab14 so I decided to jump directly to there.

Final version:


Virtualhere Keygen Windows 10

Virtualhere usb keygen

Virtualhere Keygen Key

If you are lazy here is a patch you can use (in hex):

Virtualhere Keygen Generator


Note that you will need to unsign the original executable (vhusbdosx) before applying the above patch with bspatch. Otherwise the patching process will fail.

To convert hex->ascii suggest to use xxd