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The question is pretty straightforward. Crack is a drug everyone has heard of and everyone knows about; to some extent. It’s a drug that is well-known for it’s devastating effects on the user and many cliches and stereotypes abound today when the word “crackhead” is used. But, for most people, very little (if anything) is known about just how this drug affects those who use it, as well as the lifestyle that is part and parcel of the addiction.

Funny Crackhead Memes

I have been away from the board for quite a while. In that time, I learned that someone I had known for more than three years was in fact addicted to crack cocaine. This was someone who I previously thought was “only” struggling with a heroin addiction. If I only knew just how much that heroin addiction paled in comparison to the unmitigated evil that is crack addiction.

There is drug addiction and then there is crack addiction. Crack is a unique drug. I thought I knew a whole lot about drugs and what goes on in the drug culture-but I was blown away when I began to peer below the surface and research this drug. I knew NOTHING about crack. And I bet most here don’t either.

Crack is cocaine but it’s more pure and because it’s smoked it hits the brain much more quickly than powdered coke. When a person takes that first hit, they are immediately engulfed in the most intense, pleasurable, orgasmic wave that has ever been experienced. And it only lasts five minutes. The combination of the intensity of the high with the short duration is what makes crack crack. The user is quickly left just wanting more, and then more and more…

The long-term recovery rate for crack addiction (being 15+years) is 3 %. That is lower than any other drug. And it’s because of the lifestyle/drug combination. Crack and sex are inseparable. Not only is sex a primary payment method for many addicts, but sex itself is the main activity taking place when users smoke. The high makes them hypersexual and horny; they lose all inhibitions and will have sex with anybody. So a big part of the reason treatment fails is it is only treating half the addiction: crack addicts are often suffering dual addictions-drug addiction and sex addiction.

And crackheads are not all like the toothless whore with scabs on her lips giving blowjobs for $5 on the corner. I was fooled for three years. And this person’s family was fooled to. I was the bearer of bad news to the family. It wasn’t fun. If a crackhead has someone to leech off of, someone who is taking care of them, they can keep up the appearance of normalcy for quite some time. And crackheads are very good manipulators and exceptional liars; they have to be because absolutely every single word out of a crackhead’s mouth is a lie.

Now this was not someone I was particularly close to, but it still was an unbelievably sad experience for me. However, what I have learned about the world has been a remarkable thing. Life is a humbling experience.

That link is for anyone who would like to read more about the life. Just from an academic point of view, it’s fascinating stuff. In a dark way.

Smoking will kill you... Bacon will kill you... But, smoking bacon will cure it.

I bought some shoes from a drug dealer. I don't know what he laced them with, but I've been tripping all day.

Sleep is my drug….my bed is my dealer and my alarm clock is the police.

Funny Things Crackheads Say

What do you call a dictionary on drugs? HIGH-Definition.


Funny Crackhead Quotes

Heard about the drug addict fisherman who accidentally caught a duck? Now he's hooked on the quack.

I know I know, smoking's bad for me and all. But, my mama told me never to be a quitter.

I got a part in a movie called 'Cocaine'. I only have one line.

Funny things crackheads say to be

Funny Crackheads Youtube

If there was someone selling drugs in this place, weed know.

You're so short when you smoke weed you don't get high.

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Funny Things Crackheads Say To Be

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